Last night I was invited to a one of most touching concert…
Artemis Quartet and Pianist Elisabeth Leonskaja, for memory of their lost violist Friedemann.
They have played Bach/Piazzolla arrangement which finished with Bach's Goldberg variation by String Trio.
Followed after, Schumann Piano Quartet op.47. In fact, I have just played this ecstatic music with Lisa Leonskaja in UK just 2 weeks before.
Second half was Brahms Piano Quartet op.60. The dramatic, tragic but extreme beautiful this music really fit in this evening.
In the audience next to me was Günter Pichler and there was also Valentin Erben from ABQ.
Everybody shared such intimate and grief.
Sometime, the words is no needed if we share music and performance like this.
Rest in peace Mr. Weigle..
And I am already excited to play with Lisa Leonskaja again next summer!