“... a musical sorceress … Margarita held the audience under her seductive and bewitching spell, …” THE TRIBUNE, Salt Lake City (USA)
Margarita is considered one of the greatest classical guitarists of our time who excels by her outstanding musicality and extraordinary sensitivity and subtlety.
Her versions of composers such as P. Soler, S. Albero, I. Albéniz, M. de Falla or C. Debussy have been showered with critic's acclaims and have become a bench mark for contemporary performers, as far as transcriptions and performances are concerned.
Margarita is also known as a dedicated and passionate teacher, and she attains a higher degree of perfection with the students who work with her.
“A first-class artist”, expressed María Luisa Anido when she first heard Margarita Escarpa play in 1990. In the same year, she recorded her first CD, produced by "Radio Television Española" about with C. Cooper, writing in Classical Guitar, said: “…she knows what she is doing... the overall impression is of a serious and thoughtful musician ... control of tempo, dynamics and mood are exemplary”.
These were the first steps in the professional development of this Spanish guitarist. She studied in the “Real Conservatorio Superior de Música” in Madrid where she was taught by the most important music teachers and she was exposed to the influence of the best guitar players of the time. She also holds a degree in mathematics from the “Universidad Autonoma de Madrid”.
While still a student, she won ten important awards, including the prestigious “20th Solo Guitar Competition” organised by the GFA (Guitar Foundation of America). These prizes together with her excellent qualities give her the opportunity of performing regularly for the most important International Festivals and at major venues in Europe, America and Asia, where she has received both public and critical acclaim: Amsterdam- Netherlands (Concertgebow), Budapest- Hungary (Franz Liszt Academy), US-GFA Festival, Festival International de Córdoba (Spain), Washington D.C-US ("The John E.Marlow Guitar Series”), (John F Kennedy Center for Performing Arts), S. Francisco-US (Omni Foundation for the Performing Arts), Manila Guitar Festival (Philippines), Taipei Guitar Festival (Taiwan), Beijing Music Festival (China), London International Festival (UK), Festival International de Madrid (Spain), Koblenz International Guitar Festival (Germany), Festival International de Petrer (Spain), Festival International de Xalapa (México), Festival International de Elche (Spain), Festival International de Compensar (Bogotá-Colombia) Festival International de Coria (Spain), Alirio Diaz Festival (Venezuela). International Festival Mikulov (Czech Republic), Festival LIGITA (Liechtenstein), Festival International de Granada (Spain), Budapest International Festival (Hungary), Uppsala guitar Festival (Sweden), Nurtingen Guitar Festival (Germany) Santo Tirso Guitar Festival (Portugal), Festival International de Guitare de Paris (France), Festival International de Guayaquil (Ecuador), Festival International de Guadalajara (Mexico), …
Margarita Escarpa masters a broad solo and orchestral repertoire and she is specially noted for her programme choices and for her transcriptions, that have earned the admiration and praise of audiences and critics.
Her talent and character turns every performance into a unique musical experience, every note and every silent moment transforms into a magical perfection. The musicologist Arturo Tello Ruiz-Pérez confirms that Margarita Escarpa rightly occupies the highest echelons of the guitar Parnassus.
Margarita has also gained recognition as a committed guitar teacher that never stops learning with her students, always wanting the best for them. She is frequently invited worldwide to give Erasmus master-classes and courses in International festivals and at prestigious Institutions such as S. Francisco Conservatory (US), Fullerton University (US), Chicago Roosevelt University (US), Tucson-Arizona University (US), Konservatorium Wien Privatuniversität (Austria) Universidad Internacional de Andalucía- Sede Antonio Machado (Spain) , Universidad Miguel Hernández (Elx-Spain), Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama(UK), Kharkiv National University of Arts (Ukraine), Liszt Academy (Budapest-Hungary), …
Margarita Escarpa plays a Matthias Dammann guitar (Germany) and since 2011 she is a "D'Addario artists". She recorded CDs for RTVE (Spanish Radio and Television group), Opera Tres, Naxos, La Ma de Guido and GHA Records.
In October 2021 she was appointed professor of guitar at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, Austria.
When not teaching, practising or touring, Margarita can usually be found reading, catching up with friends, or jogging along the beach.
" … the best balance of intelligence and artistic style I have ever heard from a guitarist" DAVID LETKEMANN, GUITAR MAGAZINE, Winnipeg, (Canada)
“ … one of the giants of our small world… Intense, penetrating, engrossing, fascinating, spectacular, pure joy”. MATANYA OPHEE, ON-LINE MAGAZINE OF EDITIONS ORPHÉE., US.
“Finely wrought emotion, beautiful sound, and flawless technique … apparent ease and great panache. …”: SCOTT CMIEL , SAN FRANCISCO CLASSICAL VOICE (US)
“ … Brillante, audace, dal suono tafliato come prezioso diamante, … scultrice di rilievi chiaroscurali, poi pittrice generosa di tinte pregiate … … ascoltando Margarita Escarpa, o meglio, dedicando al suo recital línterezza dei sensi, si coglie senz´indugio quella cifra ineffabile e altresi immediata e percettibile detenuta solo dall´altra metà del cielo …”. PAOLO SANFILIPPO, GUITART (Italia).
“This artist´s innate musicality would be evident in any piece she might choose to apply herself, ... a talent of enormous stature. ...: STEPHEN HOOKER, “GUITAR NEWSLETTER”, Toronto (Canada).
“ … l’interprete vive davvero quello che sta suonando. Non ce lo racconta, non ce lo proietta come un film, ma lo partecipa dal profondo della sua sensibilità coinvolgendoci e commuovendoci. … Sa drammatizzare, sognare, danzare lanciandosi in ritmi serratissimi e galleggiare in una cantabilità liberissima. E così può osare. E osa, con l’autorità di chi può perché ha capito il linguaggio, il senso, il messaggio di quelle opere… Le sue interpretazioni sono forti, autorevoli, commosse, sentite con l’animo, oltrechè intelligentissime. L’artista sembra non sforzarsi per entrare nello spirito dei pezzi, perché questo spirito è già in lei … Ed è per questo che il pubblico ha vibrato insieme a lei. Ecco la magia che dovrebbe succedere nei concerti! NUCCIO D´ANGELO, Dotguitar.it (Italia)
“ … habitante por derecho en las laderas altas del parnaso guitarrístico… ARTURO TELLO RUIZ-PÉREZ. ROSETA (España)
“ Wie Perlen an einer Kette flossen die klaren, reinen Töne in unglaublicher Virtuosität im Kontrast zu den vollen temperamentvollen Akkorden von den sechs Saiten ihres Instrumentes… Margarita Escarpa verzaubert mit meisterhaften Klängen …” ROTENBURGER KREISZEITUNG (Germany)
“Con tan solo unos minutos de música, el público era consciente de que abría un recital sublime … lirismo excepcional… dulzura bailable … público visiblemente emocionado … facilidad y control a la hora de pintar diversos colores en la guitarra …. interpretación exquisita”: TERESA CAMARENA MORENO, “EL DÍA DE CÓRDOBA”, CÓRDOBA (España)